You are currently viewing 21 July 2024

21 July 2024

Sunday: Today I’m grateful for feeling…

Avoidant. I don’t even have things to add to this because I’ve spent literally the whole day playing Avatar, aside from half an hour prepping for the plumbers. I feel like a fat slob. Jeez I don’t know where that came from. Okay now I’m working on self-compassion to let it be okay to have a day of rest. 

Feelin’ good…

  • Biden dropped out!! It might be too late but hopefully people can rally behind someone else, and fast. I’m feeling relieved but also stressed about the higher potential of a split vote. I just want a reasonable president so my country can try to knit itself back together.
  • Every summer solstice for years I’ve made a lamb feta burger in celebration, not sure why that choice. I’m late this year but we made it happen and it. was. *delicious*. This year I chose mushrooms as the buns. It was sloppy as shit but tasted incredible and oh so juicy.