8 July 2024
Monday: Today I'm grateful for feeling... Conflicted (and psyched) about softball because it was canceled for the season? We were meant to play our first two games today and got…
Monday: Today I'm grateful for feeling... Conflicted (and psyched) about softball because it was canceled for the season? We were meant to play our first two games today and got…
Sunday: Today I'm grateful for feeling... Tired and weak. I think it's a combination of staying up way too late on Friday and the big grief of yesterday. Even walking feels…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Frustrated that it feels like a full time job scaling back my emotional flashbacks. Like they just pop up and now that I can identify…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Validated about Cameron but also grief. I shared the experience with my recovery partner who really validated that yes, even if it was something he…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Anxious about seeing Cubu's grandfather and family today. It feels bad to say this but I just really don't enjoy spending time with them. Aside…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Pretty triggered by the tail end of what was originally a really nice conversation. It's with my library friend Cameron, he's the older one who…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Guilty again for calling in sick again because Cubu is still ill. But I'm trying not to let it ruin my day this time. Wretched…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Guilty and like I'm letting myself down for staying home from work. I'm not sick anymore but Cubu caught it and had to call in.…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Embarrassed that so much of this entry will be intimacy related but that's just the spot I'm at right now. I'm going to prioritize the…
Today I'm grateful for feeling... Behind on my blog and not finding/making time to catch up. It feels like my time has no rest in it, it's either SIA/CODA work,…